Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Part 1

Hello and welcome to Stacey and Inga's vlog. Here you will be educated on the latest updates on student life at UC Santa Cruz.

At times you might see or hear something that offends you, but just remember..

we know what's up.

2 Girls 1 Cam: Part 1


Unknown said...

iFuck. Nice, Inga, nice.
idk why I'm watching this... but it sure helps to procrastinate. Keep it going.

Dani Fine said...

my 2 favorite girls on one vlog...this is going to make my nights so much more warm and magical.

i love it

#1 fan right hur

Christopher said...

you two should've made out.

Jules said...

Oh wow, the ifuck, ingenius.
Good work ladies, I feel much more informed now.

dominic said...

reposted from our conversation:

hahaha rain quarter. not that funny but the reaction: priceless. also, will be first in line to buy iFuck